As with my others, these "improvement blogs" add improvements and changes to the specific topic, so why not change up the current showtapes. This idea ditches the child-friendly music video style and ads a comedy-action like feel.
The tapes usually involve Chuck E. and his friends, (Now named Chuck E.'s Make Believe Band) living in their modern, colorful house in california. They mostly try to write songs in their studio and go through slice of life situations, but when not, try to stop inter-dimensional threats from taking over their restaurant chain.
Character roles[]
Main Character
Chuck E. Cheese
straight man of the band
He's more cooler and less childish
Helen Henny
A guitarist
The sweetheart of the band
Has a strong relationship with Chuck E.
Her game-relationship is toned down
Mr. Munch
The leader of the band
He has a smoother voice
He does not wear a toy-like mask for his alter ego