(The opening starts with Chuck E. exiting his house on a sunny day; he sniffs the air and notices the viewer.)
- Chuck E.: I see you! (giggles) Hi there, I'm Chuck E. Cheese! Do you see me? Do you hear me? I sure am looking forward to a sense-sational day! Because -- wait a minute.
(He sniffs the air.)
- Chuck E.: What's that smell? It's so... familiar.
(More sniffs...)
- Chuck E.: I've got it! It's adventure! I smell adventure! (giggles)
(Music to "A Scent of Adventure" starts as he walks down the path.)
- Chuck E.: There's a certain feeling in the air,
- That leads me to a day of fun
- It tickles my nose
- It wiggles my toes
- That's how I know it's just the one
- Oh, I've got a scent of adventure
- And I bet you're ready to venture with me
- Yes, I have the scent of adventure
- And my friends will be there, don't you agree?
- I don't hear it in the distance
- I can't see it with my eyes
- But I can feel it come right up to me
- Yes, it's no disguise
- 'Cause I've got a scent of adventure
- I'm sure you're here to do your part
- Yes, I have the scent of adventure
- Get ready, this adventure's about to start!
(Song ends; he stops on a sidewalk where Helen, Jasper, Pasqually, and Munch are waiting at a bus stop nearby.)
- Chuck E.: Hmm... I wonder where all my friends are. Do you see my friends? Where? Oh, yeah! There they are! Come on!
(He runs to the bus stop and join them; Jasper is on guard.)
- Chuck E.: Hey, everybody!
- Helen, Munch, Jasper, and Pasqually: Hi, Chuck E.!
- Chuck E.: Jasper, what are you doin'?
- Jasper: I'm keepin' watch for Charlie's school bus. He should be coming home soon.
- Chuck E.: That's great! I just caught the scent of adventure, and I bet Charlie and his classmates would want to come on an adventure with me!
- Munch: Can we come, too?
- Chuck E.: Why, sure! The more the merrier!
- Jasper: Um, Chuck E.? I'm not just trying to see the bus coming, I'm also trying to listen for the bus's horn and tires. Oh! And I also try to smell that breeze that comes out of the muffler.
- Chuck E.: You know what, Jasper? You might be onto something here.
- Jasper: I am?
- Chuck E.: Yes. You're looking out for the bus, listening for its sounds, and smelling for its steam. You just used three of your senses!
- Jasper: Wow!
- Munch: Senses?
- Helen: What are senses?
- Chuck E.: Your senses are things you can use with your body to help you understand what's going on. There are five senses in all. Do you know them, Jasper?
- Jasper: Yeah! I can see, hear, smell, touch, and taste! That's what makes me special.
- Pasqually: Yeah, heeheeheeheehee! The five senses are very helpful!
- Helen: I can do so much with my five senses!
- Munch: Me too!
(The sound of the school bus honking is heard.)
- Jasper: Hey, guys! I hear the school bus! (sniffs) And I smell the muffler!
(The school bus comes.)
- Jasper: And I can see it, too!
- Chuck E.: Here comes Charlie!
(The bus stops; out comes Charlie and the following: Abby, Sophie, William, Brandon, Megan, Tiffany, Sam, Katie, and Pia.)
- Chuck E.: Hey, kids!
- Kids: Hi, Chuck E.!
(They exchange hugs and high fives.)
- Helen: Hi, everyone! How was school today?
- Kids: Good!
- Chuck E.: Kids, I have something interesting to share with you. Jasper used three of his five senses to look for your bus!
- Helen: He listened for the horn honking...
- Pasqually: He smelled the muffler's pipes...
- Munch: And he saw the bus come from round the block!
(The kids voice surprised comments.)
- Charlie: Chuck E., are you onto something here?
- Chuck E.: (giggles) How'd you know that, Charlie?!
- Charlie: Let's just say I "heard" you have the scent of adventure.
- Pasqually: Hey, I get it! "Heard", as in he "heard" you with his ears! Get it?
(All but Jasper laugh.)
- Jasper: Aw, man. This will never stop getting old.
- Chuck E.: You know, we used our senses too, when you came off the bus. We saw you come out, and we heard your cheering.
- Abby: Yeah! And we got to touch you to give you hugs and high fives!
- Chuck E.: When we use our five senses, we get to discover all about each other, and everything around us!
- Brandon: How do we know when we're using them?
- Chuck E.: Well, let's think about it. We see with our...? (points at his eyes)
- Helen: Eyes?
- Chuck E.: Good! We hear with our...? (points at his ears)
- Jasper: Ears?
- Chuck E.: That's right! We smell with our...? (points at his nose)
- Pasqually: Nose, heeheeheeheehee!
- Chuck E.: Right again! We taste with our...? (points at his mouth)
- Munch: Your mouth and tongue!
- Chuck E.: Great! And we touch with our...? (holds up his hands) Hands and fingers!
- Charlie: Wow, I didn't even know I would be able to sense everything like you do!
- Helen: By using your five senses, you can do all sorts of things!
- Chuck E.: The possibilities are endless!
(Music to "Five Senses" starts.)
- Chuck E.: How do you know what's happening around you?
- Well, here's the answer to that
- You've got five whole things to do
- It's at the tip of a hat
- You can listen to a favorite song
- Or smell a scent so high
- Feel soft fur, eat a yummy snack,
- Or see your friends walk by
- All: 'Cause we have five senses
- Hearing, touch, smell, taste and sight
- Yeah, we've got five senses
- Helping us learn with all our might
- Chuck E.: Did you just hear that, the sounds of cheers
- I just picked it up with my mousey ears
- Hear so many sounds like chirping birds
- Or honking horns or reciting words
- I have two eyes that help me see
- Like reading books or watching TV
- See many things like my band onstage
- And lots of children coming to play
- All: 'Cause we have five senses
- Hearing, touch, smell, taste and sight
- Yeah, we've got five senses
- Helping us learn with all our might
- Chuck E.: I use my nose to help me sniff
- Chuck E. and Helen: Little spring flowers, I'll just get a whiff
- Chuck E.: My hands help me touch and feel, that's neat
- Chuck E. and Jasper: Like hard, wooden tables or soft baby sheep
- Chuck E.: When it's time to taste, I have a tongue in my mouth
- Chuck E. and Munch: Eating cookies and pizza and mangoes down south
- Chuck E.: All these special things help us work and play
- All: We use our five senses everyday!
- All: 'Cause we have five senses
- Hearing, touch, smell, taste and sight
- Yeah, we've got five senses
- Helping us learn with all our might
- Oh, we have five senses
- Hearing, touch, smell, taste and sight
- Yeah, we've got five senses
- Helping us learn with all our might
(Song ends; they all laugh and cheer.)
- Chuck E.: Hey, kids! Speaking of our five senses, there's a big senses party going on at my place today! That must be why I got the scent of adventure! Do you wanna go there?
- Kids: YEAH!!!!!
- Katie: Will there be a lot of things where we can use our five senses?
- Chuck E.: Yes, Katie! And if you're up for really big fun, I'm gonna show you a special activity where we can use all five senses at the same time!
- Kids: Wow!
- Jasper: What's the special activity, Chuck E.? I really wanna know!
- Chuck E.: Well, I can't tell ya until we get to the party.
(Everyone groans.)
- Charlie: I can't wait that long!
- Pasqually: Yeah! I need to get to Chuck E. Cheese's to make more pizzas for the senses party right now!
- Chuck E.: I see what you mean there, Pasqually.
- Helen: Oh! I get it! He said "I see what you mean," and we see with our eyes. Get it?
(Laughter from all but Jasper.)
- Jasper: Here we go again...
- Chuck E.: Come on, everyone! This way to the party!
(They all cheer and follow him down the sidewalk; some time later, they come to a busy street that's very noisy.)
- Munch: Boy, this street sure is noisy, am I right?
(Kids voice agreeing comments.)
- Pia: Hey, listen! I can hear the sounds of cars honking.
- Megan: I hear a fire truck's siren!
- Sam: I can someone's dog barking!
- Sophie: Munch is right! This IS a noisy street!
- Chuck E.: You got that right, Sophie! We're using our hearing sense right now! Remember, we have ears that help us hear things. Sounds project waves that travel through the air, and they touch your ears so you can hear it.
- Jasper: I love hearing lots of sounds! Hey, let's play a game where we name different sounds!
- Charlie: Yeah! Let's play "What's That Sound"!
- Katie: I love "What's That Sound"! Can we play it, Chuck E.? Can we?
- Chuck E.: Why, sure we can! And you can play along, too. Use your ears and name the sounds we hear! Let's go!
(Music to "What's That Sound?" starts.)
- All: What's that sound?
- Did you hear that?
- What's that sound?
- Listen carefully
- Chuck E.: Hear the sound waves flying through the air
- Open up your ears, listen as we share
(Oinking is heard)
- Chuck E.: Listen carefully.
(More oinking)
- Chuck E.: Did you guess right?
- Kids: Oinking pigs!
(They laugh as they pass the pigs oinking loudly.)
- All: What's that sound?
- Did you hear that?
- What's that sound?
- Listen carefully
- Helen: We can listen to almost anything
- Now hear that sound, can you guess where it is coming?
(Cows mooing)
- Kids: Mooing cows!
(They laugh again as the cows moo.)
- All: What's that sound?
- Did you hear that?
- What's that sound?
- Listen carefully
- Pasqually: An invisible wave travels to your ear
- What sound is that, am I clear?
(Whistling is heard)
- Kids: A steaming kettle!
- Chuck E.: Hi, Mrs. Hendricks!
- Mrs. Hendricks: Hello, Chuck E.!
- All: What's that sound?
- Did you hear that?
- What's that sound?
- Listen carefully
- Jasper: I hear another sound coming right over there
- Can you listen with me, it's loud beyond compare
(Cawing is heard)
- Kids: Crows cawing!
- Sam: Shoo, crows!
(He scares them away.)
- Chuck E.: Good scaring, Sam.
- All: What's that sound?
- Did you hear that?
- What's that sound?
- Listen carefully
- Munch: Now I hear another sound, search for it with me
- Listen real close and guess what it might be
(Cheering is heard, followed by the sound of a whacking ball)
- Munch: Hey, that's two sounds!
- Announcer's voice: HOME RUN!!!
- Munch: And three!
- Kids: A softball game!
(The crowd cheers, and the whole gang cheers too.)
- Chuck E.: Wow! You sure are great at listening to sounds!
(Song ends. Changes to them walking down another street.)
- Tiffany: I loved playing the "What's That Sound" game. It was fun to train our ears.
- Sophie: Me too, Tiffany! I wanna play it again! Can we, Chuck E.?
- Chuck E.: Well, Sophie, I enjoyed listening and hearing things, but we should move on to one of our other senses, now. We already used hearing, so which sense should we try out next?
- William: I don't know, Chuck E. I just --
(Suddenly, he sniffs the air; he reacts.)
- William: EWW, YUCK! What's that smell?!
- Chuck E.: (sniffs) EW! I smell it, too! It's coming from over there!
(Nearby in the bushes is a skunk.)
- All: A skunk!!! EWWWWWW!!!!!!
- Jasper: Everybody retreat!!!!!
(They all voice cries of disgust as they hurry across the street to the next sidewalk. Once out of the skunk's sight, the skunk goes back into the forest.)
- Jasper: Oh, good... he's gone.
- Munch: Man, skunks smell awful! I don't wanna smell like one at the senses party!
- Charlie: Me neither!
- Chuck E.: Wait a minute, Munch! Did you just say "smell"?
- Munch: Um...yes?
- Chuck E.: I've got it! Let's use our smelling next!
(The kids cheer.)
- Chuck E.: We know what we smell by the way we use our noses. Something emits an air-like substance, and that touches your nose, allowing you to smell!
- Jasper: Yeah! Dogs like me have really great noses, we smell better than any human we know!
- Chuck E.: Mice too, Jasper. What do you say we have our own smellorama, and see if we can guess what we're smelling?
- All others: YEAH!!!
- Pia: I like smelling things!
- Helen: Me too, Pia! Even though we chickens have beaks, we can still smell like you.
- Chuck E.: Come on, kids! Let's smell together! Put your nose in the air and sniff!
(They all sniff the air.)
- Chuck E.: Hmm... something smells good.
- Charlie: It is good! Let's follow it!
(Music to "Smellorama" starts.)
- All: Come and join the smellorama
- Let's get smellin', let's get smellin'
- Gonna have a smellorama
- We'll be smellin' today
- Use our noses, where we goeses
- And it showses what bestowses
- 'Cause this is a smellorama
- We'll be smellin' today
(All smelling)
- Jasper: That way!
- Chuck E.: Smells like sweet cinnamon buns
- With sugar and butter on top
- And yummy honey from the big tree
- And hot corn that's about to pop
- Jasper: I smell the sweet forest pines
- And the gust from the weeds
- And the twitchy scent of pollen
- From the flowers and the seeds
- All: Come and join the smellorama
- Let's get smellin', let's get smellin'
- Gonna have a smellorama
- We'll be smellin' today
- Use our noses, where we goeses
- And it showses what bestowses
- 'Cause this is a smellorama
- We'll be smellin' today
- Jasper: Yuck, that smells like old soup
- And a can full of trash
- And a line of dirty laundry
- And a duck who needs a bath
- Chuck E.: I smell some crispy onion rings
- Spicy peppers, pizza too
- All these things I sure love smelling
- Use your nose and smell 'em, too
- All: Come and join the smellorama
- Let's get smellin', let's get smellin'
- Gonna have a smellorama
- We'll be smellin' today
- Use our noses, where we goeses
- And it showses what bestowses
- 'Cause this is a smellorama
- We'll be smellin' today!
(Song ends and they cheer. Charlie smells again.)
- Charlie: I smell something else.
- Megan: What is it, Charlie?
- Charlie: It smells like... Munch. He took his shoes off again.
- Munch: Really?!
(They all laugh as Munch sighs. Some time later, they are walking down another intersection and do some sightseeing.)
- Helen: This street's my favorite. It's got lots of great stuff!
(They spot the following.)
- Charlie: Look! There's a blue jay!
- Jasper: Hey, there's a tire swing!
- Munch: Check out that dump truck!
- Tiffany: Wow, I can see lots of things! Like that bench, and that bus stop, and that traffic light!
- Chuck E.: Yeah, Tiffany! I can see those, too! And speaking of seeing, let's use our sight sense next! Do you know what you use to see? Eyes, right! (points at them)
- Helen: We use our eyes to see, and they're the most important sense of all.
- Chuck E.: Because light enters through your eyes to get a clear image of what you're looking at.
- Megan: But some people don't see as well as we do. They need glasses to help them see. My grandmother has glasses, and they help her see.
- Munch: I can see what you're talking about, Megan. Now let's go see some more things!
- Chuck E.: How about you use your eyes, too? Let's go see things together!
(They cheer; music to "So Much to See" starts.)
- All: Oh, we are going sightseeing
- There's many sights worth foreseeing
- It's so much fun, we're agreeing
- That there's so much to see
- Chuck E.: Let's look around and find something
- We're using our sight sense, so we sing
- Everyone, time to use your eyes
- Tell me what you see, alright!
- Helen: I see an old lady asleep in her chair
- Jasper: And there's a big dog with lots of hair
- Munch: I found a store selling yummy ice cream
- Pasqually: And I see a train with lots of steam
- All: Oh, we are going sightseeing
- There's many sights worth foreseeing
- It's so much fun, we're agreeing
- That there's so much to see
- Boys: A fire truck on the highway
- And some men building a house
- Girls: A dollhouse and a rubber ball
- A woman wearing a blouse
- Chuck E. and Charlie: I see you, you see me
- Friends are walking down the street
- And we can see you, too
- Chuck E.: I love to sightsee with you!
All: Oh, we are going sightseeing
- All: Oh, we are going sightseeing
- There's many sights worth foreseeing
- It's so much fun, we're agreeing
- That there's so much to see
- That there's so much to see!
(Song ends and they all cheer. Suddenly...)
- Chuck E.: Hmm? Abby, Sophie, what do you see?
- Abby: It's Mrs. Miller! And she's at the park!
- Sophie: And she has a stand!
(Sure enough, she does.)
- Mrs. Miller: Hey, everybody!
- All: Hi, Mrs. Miller!
- Munch: What'cha got there?
- Mrs. Miller: I'm hosting a tasting booth at the senses party tonight. So I thought I would set up one here as practice. See these foods here? I have four different types of food for you to taste, salty, bitter, sour, and sweet. And they all have different tastes.
- Chuck E.: Speaking of taste, it'll be great to use our tasting sense! When we taste, we use our mouth and tongue. We put different foods in our mouth, and our tongue detects the taste of the food, before you eat it!
- Mrs. Miller: Okay, let's give it a try. William, you take this salty pretzel.
- William: Thanks!
- Mrs. Miller: Katie, you can take these bitter brussels sprouts.
- Katie: Okay!
- Mrs. Miller: Abby, this sour lemon is yours.
- Abby: Wow!
- Mrs. Miller: And this sweet cupcake goes to you, Pia.
- Pia: I love cupcakes!
(They all eat and react.)
- William: Mmm, salty!
- Katie: Ugh, bitter!
- Abby: Mmm...! Sour...!
- Pia: Sweet! Yummy!
- Charlie: Here, let me try some.
(He tries each food and reacts respectively.)
- Pasqually: Wow, Charlie! That was-a very brave of you to try those foods!
- Charlie: Sure was, Pasqually.
- Helen: Your foods are great, Mrs. Miller!
- Mrs. Miller: Thanks, Helen! Learning about different food tastes are a part of using your senses.
(Music to "Salty, Bitter, Sour, Sweet" starts.)
- Mrs. Miller: Salty, bitter, sour, sweet
- Things we eat, can't be beat
- Salty, bitter, sour, sweet
- How we taste them
- Chuck E. and the kids: In your mouth the foods all go
- And your tongue does its show
- In your mouth the foods all go
- When you eat them
- Jasper and the kids: Salty foods are fun to snack
- Pretzels and chips, quite the nack
- So are crackers, nachos, too
- We can eat them
- Pasqually and the kids: Bitter foods are not so sweet
- Citrus fruit, cranberries
- Brussels sprouts aren't all that neat
- But we can eat them
- Munch and the kids: Sour foods don't taste that well
- Lemons and pickles, not so swell
- Gooseberries, we'd never sell
- But still, we'd eat them
- Helen and the kids: Now for sweet foods, what a dream
- Chocolate cakes, and ice cream
- Candy, donuts, how they gleam
- We can eat them
- All: Salty, bitter, sour, sweet
- Things we eat, can't be beat
- Salty, bitter, sour, sweet
- How we taste them
(Song ends.)
- Chuck E.: Thank you for showing us all those different food tastes, Mrs. Miller. We really used our taste senses that time!
- Mrs. Miller: You're welcome, Chuck E.! I'll see all of you at the party!
- All: Bye!/See you then!
(They leave. Cuts to a sidewalk some time later.)
- Katie: Hey, Chuck E.? Can I have a hug?
- Chuck E.: Aww, of course, Katie. Anything for a kid.
(They hug each other; Katie feels Chuck E.)
- Katie: Wow. Chuck E., your fur is so soft!
- Chuck E.: Thanks! I brushed it up this morning. Mice do have soft fur, and so I think.
- Jasper: I have soft fur, too!
- Munch: I have soft hair!
- Helen: And I have soft feathers!
(Pasqually leans against a stone wall.)
- Pasqually: But this wall is hard! Way too hard to be soft! (giggles)
- Brandon: Pasqually's right, Chuck E.! The wall is hard!
- William: But your fur and Munch's hair and Helen's feathers are soft.
- Chuck E.: Brandon, William, you're right! And that brings us to our last sense, touch! What do you use to touch? (holds up his...) Hands! Yes! Your hands are useful for feeling and touching anything that's hard or soft!
- Pasqually: The surface of the object feels against your hands, so you can tell if it's hard or soft!
- Sam: Can we play a touching game?
- Jasper: Sure we can, Sam! Let's play the "Hard and Soft" game. We're gonna find things we can touch, and then we have to guess if they're hard or soft.
- Helen: Come on, you can play, too!
- Chuck E.: Yeah! Use your hands and touch with us!
(Music to "Hard and Soft" starts.)
- Kids: Hard and soft, how we touch
- We have hands to help us much
- With our fingers and thumbs we feel and feel like such
- Let's all use our hands to touch
- Pasqually: Okay, a-here we go!
- Here's a bunny that's in the grass
- And a cup that's made of glass
- Kids: The bunny has soft fur, the cup is really hard
- Pasqually and the kids: Wow, we touch just like a star!
- Helen: Here's a bench that's made of wood
- And a snuggly pillow, touch 'em if you could
- Kids: Wood is hard and the pillow is soft
- Helen and the kids: Let's all give a shout, hurrah!
- Chuck E.: Keep goin', kids!
- Munch: Little stuffed bears and stacks of blocks
- Jasper: A fancy lamp and wooly socks
- Kids: Blocks and lamps are hard, that's true
- Charlie: Stuffed bears and socks are soft for you
- Chuck E.: Streets are hard, I have soft fur
- We know the difference as it were
- Kids: We walk the streets and give our mouse a hug
- Touching things are so much fun!
- All: Hard and soft, how we touch
- We have hands to help us much
- With our fingers and thumbs we feel and feel like such
- Let's all use our hands to touch
(Song ends; they all cheer.)
- Chuck E.: All right! We did it! We used our five senses! Great job, everyone!
- Pasqually: Hey, I've got a joke! What does a nose like to eat for lunch?
- Megan: I don't know, Pasqually. What?
- Pasqually: Peanut butter and smelly!
(They all laugh except Jasper.)
- Jasper: Peanut butter and smelly? Gimmie a break.
(They keep going on their way. But...)
- Munch: Hey, Chuck E.? Are you sure this is the right way to Chuck E. Cheese's?
- Jasper: Yeah, I haven't seen your place for miles!
- Helen: I can't see it, either!
- Charlie: Do you think we might have went the wrong way?
- Chuck E.: Wow...you're right. We ARE lost!
(They all gasp.)
- Tiffany: Oh, no! We've been using our senses so much that we didn't pay attention!
- Katie: Now we don't know where we're going!
- Abby: And the senses party is starting!
- Charlie: Chuck E., what'll we do?!
- Jasper: Yeah, I don't wanna be a lost dog again!
- Chuck E.: Calm down, everyone. I know how we can get to my place. We just need to use our senses again!
(All voice surprised comments; music to "Find Where We're Going" starts.)
- Chuck E.: We're lost, we're stuck, we're out of luck
- To find the way is worth knowing
- But maybe if we sense the way
- Then maybe we'll just find where we're going...
(Jasper sniffs the air.)
- Jasper: Hey, I think I smell pizza being cooked!
- Helen: (sniffs) I smell it, too!
- Pia: Yes, we smell pizza, too! It's coming in that direction!
- Chuck E.: Yeah! Good to use your smelling! Let's follow our noses and go that way!
- Use your senses, it's real fun
- Know what you smell, see, hear, taste, and touch
- We'd better stay close, don't wanna get lost
- 'Cause our senses help us out a lot
- Helen: Listen!
(The sound of kids cheering is heard.)
- Munch: Hey, I hear the sound of kids being kids! It's that way!
- Chuck E.: Good ears, Munch! Come on!
- Charlie: All right!
- Chuck E.: Our senses help us day and night
- Help us find the answer that's right
- Know when to touch, smell, hear, taste, and see
- So you can learn new things with me
- Pasqually: We're almost there!
- Sophie: We just need to use one more sense to find Chuck E. Cheese's.
- William: We smelled the pizza, and we heard the cheering kids.
- Munch: But we can't taste or touch to find it!
- Jasper: Then how about we use our sense of sight?
- Charlie: Yeah! Find it with your eyes, Chuck E.!
- Chuck E.: Good idea, Charlie! I need your help too, to use your eyes and see where Chuck E. Cheese's is. Do you see Chuck E. Cheese's? Where?
(Reveals it right behind him across the street.)
- Chuck E.: Yeah! There it is!
(They all cheer and cross the street, reaching Chuck E. Cheese's.)
- Helen: We made it!
(More cheering.)
- All: We used our senses, we've reached our place
- Now let's give a shout, hooray!
- All because we sensed our way
- The answer is always worth knowing
- Now it's time to celebrate
- That we just found where we're going!
(Song ends and they cheer as they go inside. Cuts to the interior of the restaurant where there are various sensory booths set up for the party. Our gang enters and voice astounded comments.)
- Charlie: Wow! We're at the senses party!
- Abby: Look! There's Mrs. Miller's tasting booth!
- Sam: Flowers! On that table for smelling!
- Pia: Someone's looking through that telescope over there!
- Megan: Touching samples! Over there!
- Katie: And someone's pushing those buttons to listen to sounds!
- Helen: Oh, Chuck E., you really went all out for the senses party! It's great!
- Pasqually: (giggles) It sure is! Speaking of which, I'd better hurry into the kitchen and make those pizzas! Gotta go!
(Pasqually hurries off. Chuck E. then steps forward...)
- Chuck E.: You know, kids, based on what Pasqually is doing, I think it's time for me to show you something you can do while using all of your five senses at once!
- Kids: YAY!!!!!!
- Jasper: Now we're finally gonna find out once and for all!
- Chuck E.: Come on, let's watch Pasqually in the kitchen!
(They follow him; cuts to the kitchen where the cooks and Pasqually are making pizzas. Music to "Make That Pizza" starts; the others watch him from the ordering window.)
- All: Make that pizza, make that pizza, make that pizza pie
- Make that pizza, make that pizza, throw the dough up high
- Chuck E.: Watch this! Pasqually sees the pizza dough, then he touches it to throw it up in the air.
- Others: Whoa!
- Jasper: Cool!
- Chuck E.: Also, he smells the dough to make sure it's sweet enough for the kids.
- Pasqually: (sniffs) A little more flour, perhaps? (adds the flour and sniffs again) Perfection!
- All: Make that pizza, make that pizza, make it taste real sweet
- Into the oven, into the over, now turn up the heat
- Chuck E.: Now Pasqually touches the pizza again to put it on a tray, and he puts it in the oven for the pizza to bake.
(He puts it in the oven and sets the timer.)
- Chuck E.: Now he listens for the timer to tick, and when it rings, the pizza is ready!
- All: Make that pizza, make that pizza, make it while it's good
- Bake the pizza, bake the pizza, heat it if you could
- Pasqually: It's ready!
(Out it comes.)
- Chuck E.: Now that the pizza has been baked, he gives it a taste test. And while he tastes it, he hears the food crunch in his mouth.
- Pasqually: Mmm-mmm!
- Chuck E.: And now for the most fun part yet -- he places it at the window, and...
- Pasqually: ORDER UP!
- Chuck E.: Presto! He used all five senses!
- Munch: By cooking pizza and eating it!
- Kids: Hooray, Pasqually!
(They take the pizza to a table near the stage for the kids to sit at.)
- All: He made the pizza, made the pizza, made it taste so sweet
- He used his senses, used his senses, it was really neat
- Now eat that pizza, eat that pizza, time to use all five
- We'll eat it up, we'll eat it up, this sure was fun, all right!
(Song ends; they cheer. The kids begin grabbing slices and eating up.)
- Charlie: Wow, Chuck E.! I never knew eating and cooking would use all five senses at once! Thanks for showing us!
- Chuck E.: You're welcome!
- Sophie: Here, Chuck E., have a bite!
(She hands Chuck E. her slice; he takes a little bite of it.)
- Chuck E.: Mmm! Delicious! You know what? I used all five of my senses, too!
(They all laugh.)
- Helen: Come on, Chuck E.! We're about to go on!
- Chuck E.: Oh! Thanks for reminding me.
(They hurry backstage.)
- Announcer voice: And now, here for a sense-sational performance, Chuck E. Cheese's senses party is proud to present... Munch's Make Believe Band! Now give it up for your sense-sational mouse, CHUCK E. CHEESE!!!!!!
(Applause from the audience; curtain up to reveal the band onstage. Music to "Today Was Sense-sational" starts as they perform.)
- Chuck E.: Hey, everybody! Here's a song all about your senses! Now I want you to get up and be sense-sational with us! Here we go!
(Guitar lick from Jasper.)
- Chuck E.: Hey everybody, with your senses today
- Let's all try them out in each way
- Today was sense-sational, don't you agree
- Now everyone use your senses with me
- Jasper: Oh, yeah! This rocks!
- Chuck E.: Now remember, we used our hearing to play "What's That Sound"; we used our smelling during the smellorama; we used our sight to find all those neat things; we used our taste at Mrs. Miller's tasting booth; and we used our touch to play "Hard and Soft"!
- Helen: So when we say so, everyone give your senses a try!
- Munch: Yeah, let's use our senses together!
- All: Three, two, one, go!
- Chuck E.: Hear with your ears, hear the music play
- Pasqually: Listen to my beats, I'll drum the night away
- Chuck E.: Smell with your nose, something smells real sweet
- Jasper: I smell pretty flowers, yummy pizza, that's neat
- Chuck E.: See with your eyes, take a look around
- Helen: Do you see us playing, and the kids in town?
- Chuck E.: Taste with your mouth, have something good to eat
- Munch: Right now I'm craving that pizza, yippee!
- Chuck E.: Touch with your hands, feel hard and soft
- All: Our instruments are hard, but they keep us aloft
- Helen: We love sharing our senses with you
- Jasper: Use 'em all the time, that's the thing to do
- Munch and Pasqually: We love to use them every single time
- All: Now you know what's going on, all right!
- Chuck E.: Thank you, kids! You made today sense-sational!
- Pasqually: We really used our senses today!
- Munch: And we got to learn an activity that uses all five!
- Helen: It's cooking and eating!
- Jasper: You guys were the greatest!
- Charlie: I love using my five senses!
- Other kids: So do we!
- Kids: Thank you, Chuck E.!
- Chuck E.: You're welcome! And thank you, too, for using your senses to get us here!
(All cheer; the kids join them onstage.)
- All: Today was sense-sational, don't you agree
- We love our five senses, they're part of you and me
- Touch, smell, taste, hear, see, every one!
- Thank you so very much, and now our adventure's done!
(Song ends and they all cheer.)
- Chuck E.: Keep on using your senses, everyone! See you soon!
- All: Bye!/Goodbye!
(The curtains close, ending the show.)
(End credits.)