The Studio C (1997) 3-Stage, also known as the Studio C Alpha 3-Stage, is a Studio C Alpha combined with a 3-Stage. It was only used at the West St Paul, Minnesota location. In Fall 2019, the West St. Paul location closed, making the Studio C Alpha 3-Stage extinct.
On August 9, 1999 the Studio C Alpha 3-Stage was created at the West St Paul, Minnesota location. Originally, this location was a Showbiz Pizza Place that changed into a Circus Pizza instead of getting Concept Unification. When Chuck E. Cheese's finally reacquired the location, the 3-Stage animatronics were in poor condition and since it was 1999 and that 3 stage conversions had been completed since 1993, Chuck E. Cheese's decided to replace the stage with a Studio C Alpha. However, instead of removing the 3-Stage entirely, they would just put the Studio C Alpha inside the 3-Stage. Along with this, the stage would have 3 Studio C Alpha Monitors instead of just one, making it look like a Studio C Beta. Even though the Studio C Beta wasn't invented until the following year aka the start of the new millennium.
Chuck E.'s stage on the left side had a desk that had 5 colored panels, a Pizza Phone, Bird, and a Pizza Time Clock. The background was a cloudy sky with a window showing a city at night with a bridge with cars. This stage also had curtains, but they were disabled in 2005.
The center stage had a large wall where 3 Studio C Alpha Monitors would show the current showtape and whatever was being recorded in the Blue screen area. Below it was the Interactive Console. There was also rope lights hanging over the center stage. Later on the rope lights would be removed and the Bluescreen wouldn't be played on the monitors.
The far right had a Bluescreen area (which the blue screen was bigger than normal) where a camera would project whoever was in front of the Bluescreen and put it on the TV screens and projector. It was later replaced with a Ticket Blaster.