The Road Stage is a full character show produced from 1990-1992, and is the very first cyberamic show to feature Munch's Make Believe Band. This stage is unique in that the band members retain their half-body configurations from the Balcony Stage, while Chuck E. Cheese is a full-bodied animatronic.
The Road Stage was most likely conceptualized after the creation of the 3-Stage as a way to quickly start using the newly formed Munch's Make Believe Band in stores by using their existing cyberamic animatronics, and replacing the outdated Rocker and C Stages.[1]
Prototype and Overall Format[]
Instead of copying the 3-Stage's backdrops and design, this stage has its own unique design. It has a single stage with a Chuck E. full-bodied on the right, while the rest of the characters are on the left of the stage as half-bodied. Chuck E. has a giant star behind him along with a neon sign with his name separating him and Helen. The rest of the band were placed on top of boxes which are supposed to be buildings, Munch has a TV behind him (displaying the current showtape), while Pasqually has an Italian restaurant backdrop. A long road is placed in-front of the stage with 2 streetlamps on each side of the stage. This stage was first installed in Jonesboro, Georgia; (Stage removed in 1994 for a 2-Stage), followed by Springfield, Pennsylvania; (Stage Removed in 1995/1996 For 2-Stage) and West Palm Beach, Florida (Closed in 2004 due to hurricane, last prototype road stage, relocated 9 years later in 2013 with a circle of lights stage, now 2.0).
Curtains were not originally a part of this stage's design, but several installations, primarily those in 1991 and 1992, would include them. This makes them one of, if not the first cyberamic stages to have curtains be utilized just like 3-Stages would (except being Austrian lift instead of side-to-side).
Also originally, Mr. Munch and Pasqually figures would retain their armatures from the Pizza Time Theatre bots in a majority of initial installations. When the 2-Stage rolled out in 1992, Road Stages were given the opportunity to replace these armatures with new, appropriate arms by Kinetix so both Munch and Pasqually could play the organ and drums properly respectively. Some of these would be very different than 2-Stage and 1-Stage armatures in positioning alone, making them more unique.
All 3 of the locations mentioned above later replaced their prototypes with the finalized version, and have since closed or removed their Road Stage.
Present Road Stage[]
The finalized version was first installed in Topeka, Kansas. A few changes were made such as putting the CEC Neon sign on the top right of the star, placing a TV between Chuck and Helen, a Munch's Make Believe Band sign above Munch, a valance and the Wink above the stage, the streetlamps on the sides being removed, and the buildings being redesigned, which included the removal of Pasqually's Restaurant/brick wall backdrop. When Hialeah, Florida opened, the road in-front of the stage was removed and the stage was raised a bit. All Road Stages going forward were based off of Hialeah's. The stage kept being produced until the final Road Stage was installed in 1992 at the Sun Valley, California location. This was due to it being expensive and hard to maintain, and that the 2-Stage, along with the prototype 1-Stage, becoming the current/main stage.
Due to its large size, its costly maintenance, and the 2 and 1-Stages being introduced in early 1992, this stage was quickly phased out. Stores started replacing this stage with the stages mentioned above, and later Studio C's during the 1990s and 2000s.
From the stage's peak at around 34 Road Stages, as of June 16th, 2024, Mississauga (Dixie Rd), ON, Canada is the only remaining road stage. [2]
- The Cyberamic Road Stage animatronics were refurbished on April 10, 1999, for the millennium year of 2000. This happened during the fourth and final segment of the "Chuck E's Dance Party" show.
- This was also done at the Sunrise, Florida location, that same year with electric or neon colors.
- This was the first stage for a few things:
- This was the first Cyberamic stage to utilize the Munch's Make Believe Band name.
- This was the first Cyberamic stage to use curtains.
- This was the first stage created in the 1990s.
- This was also the last stage for 2 things:
- This was the last new stage to have half bodied animatronics.
- This was the last stage to have Mr. Munch and Pasqually with body turns along with their head turns. Starting with the creation of the 2-Stage and eventually the 1-Stage, it was instructed to secure the body turn mechanism down by removing the shoulder strap pins/stop plates and bolting a 1 1/2* "L" bracket to the front of their base supports. This means only both their heads could turn freely, but their bodies cannot so they can thus play their instruments without the possible risk of wear or damage from their restricted surroundings on those stages.
- This stage is the oldest Cyberamic stage after the removal of the Rocker Stage.
- This stage had a demo made for it called "The Future For Chuck E. Cheese's"
- It is currently one of the least common MMBB band stages.
- This is currently the only type of CEC stage that is not in the USA.
Here is a list of every Road Stage location.