Chuck E. and Friends! is an upcoming animated series based on Chuck E. Cheese and Munch's Make Believe Band. A Christmas special is slated to be released in November 2025, serving as a backdoor pilot for a full series and films.
This series was first announced in 2020 by David McKillips, the CEO of CEC Entertainment.[1]
The show's pitch bible was leaked on October 26th, 2024.
As of now the cast is unconfirmed, though it is assumed that Jaret Reddick will reprise his role as Chuck E., with a majority (if not all) of the cast being replaced.
- TBD as Chuck E. Cheese
- TBD as Helen Henny
- TBD as Jasper Jowls
- TBD as Mr. Munch
- TBD as Bella Brinca
- TBD as Pasqually
- Pasqually is no longer a main member of the band, acting rather as a father figure and friend to the gang.
- Pasqually runs his family's restaurant rather than working at a Chuck E. Cheese's, as they do not exist in this universe.
- Bella Bunny's last name is changed to Brinca.
- Bella also plays the drums, replacing Pasqually.
- Chuck E. is revealed to have adoptive parents in this show, going against his previously established backstory of which he was an orphan who never knew his birthday.