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Chuck E. Cheese Wiki

Chuck E. Cheese Training Tapes are tapes used at Chuck E. Cheese locations to train new employees. The tapes train new employees in areas like Game Room Attendant, Cashier, and Kid Check Attendant. These tapes have been produced since December 1981.


Chuck E. Cheese training tapes were first created for Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre's locations in December 1981. These were created as apart of the PTT Training Center & Test Kitchen program created in 1981 to help properly train Pizza Time Theatre employees. In total 3 training tapes were created for the program, which were used from December 1981 till 1984. These tapes trained employees in cashiering, being a "pizza cook", and working in the Gamesroom.

The next time a training tape would be produced would be on October 12, 1988. This tape would be about walkaround training and care. This tape would train employees on how to maintain the walkaround, and how to act while in the walkaround. A similar training tape would then be produced in 1990 that would focus on how to act while in the walkaround during Chuck E. Live. These tapes were the last training tapes produced before CEC University training tapes were introduced.

Chuck E. Cheese University[]

In 1991 a set of 9 training tapes would be produced for Chuck E. Cheese locations. These would all fall under a new program called Chuck E. Cheese University, which aimed to properly train Chuck E. Cheese employees. These tapes trained employees in orientation, cashiering, salad bar, general kitchen & service, pizza making & oven cutting, Gameroom, character, vision quest, and birthdays.

This set of 9 tapes would be updated in 1994 with a new set of 10 training tapes. These tapes trained employees in general information, orientation, F.Y.I., running a quality shift, kid check training, pizza making/oven cutting, showroom, character, vision quest, and how to train future employees. These tapes were also the first known tapes to make Spanish versions with a Spanish cut of pizza making/oven cutting being found.
